STPs -Not In Operation
Sl.No. Circles Name and Address of STP Year of Commissioning District / City/ Town Installed Capacity (MLD) Utilized Capacity (MLD) Technology/process STP based Hotel/Ashram/
Authority/Local Urban body/other institutions responsible for O&M of STP
Operation Status (functioning/non-operational (reason for non-operational)/
under construction/
constructed & commissioned
Name of treated sewage receiving water body Drain/Sub-Tributary/
Tributary/River Ganga
Name of river catchment in which STP is located (tributary of river Ganga/river Ganga)  Phase Remark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Circle 2 4 MLD Kanwara Road 1979 Banda / Kanwara  4 4  Oxidation Pond UPJN(U)   Not Operational ken river sub tributary Yamuna /Tributary   Ganga  River  ken river sub tributary Yamuna /Tributary   Ganga  River  Phase-II Permission from Railway Deptt. for laying the rising main pipeline beneath the railway line is awaited. Upon receipt of of permission, it will take 45 days to complete the pipe laying work and making the STP operational. NOC from Railway Deptt is likely to be given by 06.06.2021.
2 Circle 1 5 MLD Trans Delhi  Signature City (Tronica City), Loni 17.12.2019 Ghaziabad 5 3 MBBR UPSIDC  Not Operational (22.08.2023) Green belt development  Phase-II At the time of inspaction STP was found not operational due to under maintenance
3 Circle 5 5 MLD Hathia Nala, Lolepur 2006 Sultanpur 5 5 Oxidation Pond( Ist Pond of II Phase) UPJN(R)  Not Operational since 01.05.2021   River Gomti  River Gomti  Phase-Ist & IInd Not Operational  due to  capacity upgradation from 5 MLD to 10 MLD .
4 Circle 6 12 MLD BLW STP  06.04.1989 Varanasi 12 12 ASP BLW Not Operational (22.08.23)   ---- River Varuna Phase-II Aeration not working
5 50 MLD Ramana 31.03.21 Varanasi 50 50 SBR UPJN(R)  Not Operational (16.08.23)   ----     Plant shutdown temporary due to flood in Ganga ji
6 Circle 7 Moradabad 2017 Moradabad 20 0 SBR MDA Not Operational Ramganga River  Ramganga River  Phase-I Due to lack of sewage generation from the New MDA Colony near STP.
7 15 MLD Pehrigaon  2015 Rampur 15 0 UASB UPJN(U)  Not Operational    Since     26.04.22   Ramganga River  Ramganga River  Phase-I Sewer line under maintenance
8 5 MLD Rampur 2016 Rampur 5 0 SBR UPJN(U)  Not Operational    Since     26.04.22   Ramganga River  Ramganga River  Phase-I There is no Flow